Social Networking

Mariott Global IT

Social Networking is the new trend of communication in the present world. Community websites like face book, Linked in, Twitter etc., has become a part and parcel of everyday life for a majority. Social networking sites also attract a number of organizations looking to advertise their products and services to the users of these sites.

We provide organizations with custom built applications to suit their needs. Features to enhance easy communication between users, improve knowledge transfer and more.

MariottGlobalIT works on key features specific to social networking websites like:

• Integration of Face book comments as part of website.
• Multi lingual environment1
• Blogs and Forums and many more
• User specific data availability


Company News

December 31, 2013 It’s that time of year again!

MariottGlobalIT is sending you warm greetings of the season and hoping that the New Year finds us working together on many more occasions.

June 28, 2012 Fun @Study As Seen By Mariott Global IT

MariottGlobalIT launched the Education product to help the students, colleges, professors and parents for online study portal with so many other features.